+1 00 974 4012 0320

Hybrid Meetings & Events

Have your cake and eat it too

Virtual and Hybrid Meetings

Made for Humans

Ensure the highest degree of participation at your next event. We have the ultimate set of tools to communicate efficiently and effectively online, onsite, or both. All on one integrated platform. No need to consolidate data from different sources.

Professional and Precise

The Best of Both Worlds

Synchronized Online and Onsite

Economical and inclusive, the One World platform, either 2D or3D, is the perfect meeting space for conferences of all sizes. Our broadcast is the fastest in the industry. With One World there’s none of that long lag at the end of a poll while the audience waits for the results to show.

Specialists in Life Sciences Seminars and Panels

Our onsite app seamlessly integrates with the online participants. Polling, Q&A, Chats are simultaneously available to all. Analytics are instant and comprehensive.

New Opportunities

Trade Shows & Product Launches

Stage special events to showcase products or services.

Deliver seamless presenter workflows - throughout the lifecycle

Any format: Virtual, in person, or hybrid.

Any size. Small groups to thousands of attendees and exhibitors.

Any type of meetings. Webinars, summits, tradeshows, conferences etc.

Anywhere in the world!

Your imagination is the only limitation.


Looking Ahead

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